OSRS is facing death through stagnation, the devs are being far too conservative.
I loved summoning, it gave me a reason to actually go out into the game and kill things I wouldn't normally kill/visit places i wouldn't normally go to. As a pker Slayer serves me no purpose, so summoning was like a breath of fresh air.
Summoning helped a lot for deep wilderness too. Currently if you're tbed and have 6 brews in lvl 17 wilderness you might be screwed. This takes up so much inventory space that a regular nh hybrid setup consists of 11 brews, 5 restores, anti-venom, teleport, range pot, combat pot, and 2 anglerfish. You just have to dump specs and get out, or risk getting tbed by someone in the most OP gear.
It's getting ridiculous the lack of food we have VS the amount of DPS we can do.
One thing I have noticed is that our oldschool team is so set on doing things differently that we are skipping out on obvious pieces of good content. When I say good content I mean things that 60% of people would enjoy, 20% of people dont care and 20% are against it. As long as it doesn't break the game 60% favor is good enough.
The trend I'm seeing with OSRS is the same that i see with Pking,
no pking updates are passed, so pkers quit the game and go elsewhere (rsps), then jagex says "look pvp is just not as popular these days". Meanwhile they have slowly bled out the entire community through stagnation.
It's worth it to risk progressive updates as long as they are not going to break the game completely, otherwise you risk the game dying out, as more and more players leave from not getting what they want year after year. Today it's us, but tomorrow it's you. 70k playercount turns to 30k, then the developers will realize, their community is 99% ironmen and bots.
08-Mar-2022 20:20:17