I would like to have a right-click option to send Partyhats/Halloween masks/Santa hats to Diango (with confirmation screens.)
This would make it permanently untradeable, so you would be unable to sell it back.
But you would be able to wear it on your travels for decorative purposes without fear of losing it.
I get moody during that time of the month. You know, with the full moon and all.
I really enjoy thieving but there seems to be a lack of anything to work towards.
Adding some thieving gear either obtained via a minigame or rare chance of receiving as loot from certain chest would be great and perhaps a few items that can assist with thieving or used just for cosmetic appearance
Ability you have more than one firecape in your bank/invent at a time, because having a limit of 1 is pointless, and my bank looks untidy everytime i have to take my firecape out