small idea
option to spawn outside of your house rather than inside the house when home teleporting
.(useful for people training prayer at Yanille or collecting eyes of newts or vials from Taverley)(don't know how to make this a question.)
make a super combat potion
combining a combat potion+5 ground proboscis.
combining a super attack(3)+super strength(3).
or both if you like.
you can decide whether or not we get xp for making a super combat potion by combining the super attack(3)+super strength(3).
i would have to say
mouse wheel
-i really feel that at the time people thought this was just going to be a 2007 server and they didn't think that the wheel idea was appropriate for the 2007 server and i feel that by now they realized that its not a 2007 server and i would think that now they might be more willing to vote yes for it knowing that its not a 2007 replica any more.i absolutely love it and i hope that if we do re poll it we get this added to the game.
big ideas*
1 stealing creations-id like this
2 quick chat for muted players
3 assist system
4 lending system-lend d axe, party hat,whip,ect.
5 auras loyalty shop
6 high level prayers (that you cant use in pvp unless its duel arena.pvm you can go to town on the monsters if added.)
7 high level herblore potions (that you cant use in pvp unless its duel arena.pvm you can go to town on the monsters if added.)
8 god wars-so we can quickly shoot down the idea like we did with the pures and ape toll idea(duh you share this game with defence pures why would they support your idea lol.)
*(if the player don't like any of the ideas then we don't need to add them.)
15-Jul-2013 18:17:06