My Suggestion:
Make wrath runes more reasonably accessible (aimed towards Irons) by i.E. increasing drops from addy / rune dragons and / or adding them to the droptable of some (slayer) monster i.E. Drakes or maybe also Wyrms.
I recently came back after a break and looked into the changes to demonic ashes and to the Arceuus spellbook and more specifically the offering spells. These spells provide a significant boost in terms of cost / time to train prayer. However, the spells require wrath runes which are really hard to obtain for irons. Eighter an iron would have to get 95 RC to be able to craft around 4k runes an hour or kill vork/rune or addy dragons which drop around 50-80 runes per hour (with normal gear). Both options are for most players not really reasonable in the mid / early end-game.
As mentioned the spells bring a significant boost so the runes should still be no to easily accessible in large quantities but still somewhat reasonable to obtain. This brings potential to make less favorable slayer tasks more interesting to do. As I don't know in what quantities the runes are needed I am not sure how many should be dropped to make it balances. There should be still an incentive to get to 95 RC but also you should be able to use the spell from time to time on a good slayer task as long as you do your tasks which drop them. (without grinding 30h to get a stack for like 3-4 tasks)
My main suggested monster to be added would be Drakes which offer in my opinion for their slayer requirement (and for their great appearance) to little of an incentive to kill. By the time an iron hits that level requirement he should also be getting into the range of the offering spells so it would also fit there. I also was thinking about Wyrms. However, due to the low requirements to kill them they should if so only drop small amounts like 20-50 per task.
07-Jan-2022 12:52:36
- Last edited on
07-Jan-2022 13:01:33