Hi I wanted to create a poll on making teleblock which requires 85 magic to also be available in f2p. This is something I guarantee will pas over %75 votes. Please consider my request.
I would like to see quest exp rewards be awarded as exp lamps. For example if a quest would give 500 prayer exp then instead it gives a 500 prayer exp lamp. This would allow pures or skillers to just drop the lamps of the type of exp they do not want to receive but would still allow them to complete quests.
Playing since 2001
Hello, I have been playing since 2003-2004 with thousands of hours of in game playtime. One thing that has bugged me for years has to do with bank organization. So I have a suggestion about the interface; Can we have an additional option to lock individual items into a particular slot(i.e. third from the left, two down is your whip). I love place holder ability I would just like to lock those items in place if I want to.
Bring Warding to the Cooking Skill!!! Or at least magic.
I think imbueing baked potatoes or some sort of food with stat buffs...bringing more options for food. Possibly design a way to enchant a cake or swordfish...or enchant herbs then season fish with it... Giving maybe a 5% bonus to... Str.. or something like a Wizard's Mind Bomb... Only a new food option. Higher tier food. Maybe make that food heal less and buff more. Ir make enchanted food eatable at the same tick as a regular food. This would make pking more elaborate and take pkers out if their comfort zone. I really feel like enchanting food would have uts major benefits to low and high lvl players. I really am excited about the WARDING SKILL and i think with the addition of the new skill into the game it would really push the idea for low lvl buffs for pvm. Just a small increase to a skill... Maybe a 2minute buff. I can discuss all my ideas in further detail if any Mod wishes to inquire about the ideas i have for the new Warding Skill introduction and mixing warding with magic and cooking. Somehow! All those baked potatoes could have purpose again! Chili Potatoes need some love. Also adding Spaghetti would be awesome. I think all food should be buffable like heal more hp if seasoned...and more hp+def bonus if seasoned with enchanted herbs. Enchanted foods can faul and turn into base materials of the food you were enchanting further circling the skill back to warding from cooking. Also this helps with Hunter, mincemeat attracts chinchompas but
people barely use it but there is a way i am sure we could integrate this idea into OSRS.
Thank you to anyone who agrees with my idea.
Thank you for reading my post.
- Dark Scyther
Yes i agree! I like having my knife for cooking and my knife for fletching but switxhing between tabs can be bothersome sometimes. I agree wirh integrating some sort of "lock item in place" option much like the placeholder option.
I do beleave that a lot of players and fellow long time runescape players with osrs rembering the old dayes that party hats santas and crackers became discontinued and that gave people somthing to strive for and to make many players want to play more to acchive these goals and i beleave if these items became discontinued again that most players would be even more intised to play amd work harder for there goals
buying 3m worth or bolt racks thx message in game i will be online or on frequently