Make Edgeville monastery a multicombat zone
I make a thread about this before I noticed this post so ill re-post it here.
So we all know splashing is a thing and if you hate it or not splashing magic on rats is a victimless crime what is not on the other hand is "Splashing" your combat stats on the Edgevile monastery monks. Edgevile monastery is (well "was" I guess) a popular training spot for many legit players due to the monks low damage, high health and ability to heal meaning you could get more hits on them before they died but now its almost impossible to find a world that does not have every possible monk camped 24/7 by RPG def pures who are incapable of killing their target and as long as they are in mith they are incapable of dying to the monks; They can then sit there for days or weeks on end whilst not actually being present at the computer.
This is especially bad for f2p players who already have very very very limited options.
My proposal to fix this is simply making the zone multi this allows legitimate players who are just looking to train will actually be able to do so in some capability at this spot.
07-Sep-2015 01:03:20