the thing I want the most is summoning skill. it by far is my favorite skill. and cannot train it.
bank tabs.
and I see there is a thing that sais ge will never come here. then they need to do something about these merchers. trying to throw prices od cosmic runes from 100 gp ea to 270 gp ea. I will never pay 270 gp ea for a cosmic rune.and doing trading like this people are scamming left and right.
and we need herbs to grimy. people are scamming money and kiniving people . I do fair trades. I do not scam or cheat any one.
like john cena sais in wrestling. "honor, dignity, loyalty, and respect"
p.s. in my opinion not jadex scamming people out of 2011 rs that was awesome- people scamming to get ahead. I have meet people I can count on one hand . that has these attributes.
my sister and I help people out because we can. I don't merch or scam people. in pre eoc I have gave away probly 100 mil to various people. over 5 years. at 5k-30k a whack. they need to find a way to buy and sell runes exc, w/o scamming people. or making us trade scammers who try to keep stealing.
i would like to be able to play in a resizable screen because the way i play right now is a little bit to small, i think it can be done and many people would like it. please take that into consideration and hopefully jagex can make a content poll about it
It's unfair to die and lose your items, especially via disconnection.
We all know that there is little chance you can obtain your items back after death.
This is 2007 2007 there was gwd....if i want to use gwd i want it via 2007, not some crappy eoc because it's not the same thing is it? All people are concerned with is it being overpowered. That only shows how long most of them have played this game. If they would compared the stats of every gwd item, they would see it isn't the best for everything. Oh and the ags? well considering the only issue is it hitting high with it's spec......i'd like to throw in a suggestion to nerf the dds, the d bow, b anchor or any other weapon that can hit more than 65+, especially dharok set....omg please take him from the brothers. didn't know those could hit that high? Oh my, time to youtube old videos before your time new comers.
I could not have said this any better myself. Everyone acts like the ags spec was the only overpowered weapon in the game. They need to really take a look at the dark bow spec. That thing can potentially hit a 96, which is even worse than the ags spec... Also, I support adding a GWD to 07rs, but please don't add nex. That would start to ruin the game.
HAHA ^^^ and what is also forgotten by people claiming the AGS (in particular) and claws etc are OP, are only saying that because the (majority of) really OP specs were done with turmoil, full vesta, steadfast boots, tokhaar kal, b ring i, etc. But it was mainly the turmoil prayer that caused that sort of damage. I am all for GWD and hope Jagex implement it as soon as they can!!