a little info: back when agreen aka robert my nephew went to school. back 8-10 years ago he had an account. wich going into work force lost his account do to in activity. but a bunch of his friends from school told him and got him into rs. then in fall of 2007 he made his second account that he played, plays randomly do to work schedule. agreen31. then in early 2008 he got my sister aka mom kk into rs and a few other people. then spring of 2008 they got me into rs aka tidasf10. I got my kids and some of they friends into rs shortly after. but when you promoted ability of swearing in the game I cancelled there memberships. and back then if you did not log into in a certain amount of time or updates they were auto deleted or froze and could not access them. but after hp turned to taking a morning toilet run, aka dump, turd, #2, ****, bowel movement, constitution. many of my friends family and I stopped promoting runescape. and from what I hear many others just griping how you stabbed us in the back with eoc, beta and rs3. to much bad publicity. and now some updates I might vote yes on in old school , I vote no on, because currently them updates are obsolete to me and others without summoning, wgs quest other quests, diaries revs in full wildy not just in grave yard, and at least 1 world with absolute no pkers in it at all PERIOD!! and OTHER new content. more and more people are getting bored and depressed with bad updates. I personal say bad things about rs every chance I get any were and any place!!!!!!!!!!!! a legit trading station were every thing is exact price. not influencable. like nats are 260, laws 250, chaos runes 100, cosmics 120. exc and only allowed to buy so many at a given time within every 4 or 6 hours.
22-Jan-2014 21:46:35