Many people complain that they would like to see a Grand Exchange, and some people don't want it. Some people want an easier way to obtain quest items, and others are afraid these forums or polls might lead to a Grand Exchange that could force them into something they don't want; economy crashes, set prices, etc. Well I have a solution that I think would make everyone happy, and keep trade somewhat similar to now, only easier.
The idea wouldn't take any graphical update for Jagex, and wouldn't be hard to create at all, except some simple mechanics to set up how it would work. I'll explain all of this.
My idea would be called, "Board of Trade", and would be simply a post where people can post what they're buying/selling. Now I know what you're thinking, it's a grand exchange, only different look. Well it isn't, it wouldn't set any prices, the player would set the price for the item, the amount, and post information such as what world and where to meet them. The item isn't actually bought from the board, it simply states that a player has the item you want, or that they are buying what you are selling.
To prevent clutter, there can be a search bar to find items, and than a check box for buying or selling. This board sets no prices of its own, and won't force any economy crashes, because it's completely player controlled.
For any of you who say this is a terrible idea, or it's just a grand exchange in disguise, it isn't. There is an extremely popular website that has already spread throughout all the Runescape population; and this is no different from that, except it's in game, and easier to access. Also, bringing this into the game won't make people go by that websites prices, but instead by a price dictated BY THAT PERSON!
Please leave feedback, support if you agree, and tell me why you don't want it if you're against this. Thanks, Love all of you Old School Players.
29-Nov-2013 22:03:55