Hey guys, I really think you should take a serious look at polling f2p worlds;
Be sure to read this thread fully and look at all of the opinions, I for one have written a great (in my opinion) paragraph which may help you rethink if you are against f2p worlds
We desperately need the update that fixes the monkey madness reward at the end!
As it sits now, anyone who completed monkey madness as a pure and decided not to accept the defense experience at the end from Daero will not be allowed to enter the islands again. This basically means you cannot use chins on the skeletal monkeys to level ranged in the future since there is no chaotic tunnels.
Now most people only level range because chins make it so fast. this basically ruins most peoples pures and gives every pure that hasn't done monkey madness completely an unfair advantage over the rest of the players. this needs to by fixed! we need an option to say no to the defense exp allowing us to access the island again. Jagex implemented a similar update for rs3 a few years back and we need it here in old school as well.
Bank tabs are a must! As well as Slayer Helmet and Slayer Points. Saving up your slayer points is extremely useful or using them to skip certain tasks. Would definitely make the skill more enjoyable.