I believe that the Sanguinesti Region and Castle Draken deserve to get some recognition between the developing team in OSRS, simply because of the incredibly majestic atmosphere that the area gives the player once he/ she enters it. Discovering the new dark/ dream area there with a possibility of continuing the original story of what ended in the quest "Darkness of Hallowvale" will surely make most of us vampire fans and midnight journeymen live this fantasy like atmosphere once again in a new experience that doesn't have to exactly follow the path of creating a new boss in the game or repeating that what the quest of "Legacy of Seergaze" has offered.
I would like to see a simple change to the Grand Exchange. When I search for and item, for example a Mithril pick axe, lets say I offer 1000GP and it doesn't buy right away. Can there be a small button or interface to add GP without having to end the offer, search the item again and then make another offer. If I'm buying 1k Nature runes for 245GP each and it doesn't buy, let me click the new offer or +1GP button and it adds it to my offer.
Would it be possible to add a toggle option to the house teleport that would let players choose to show up in their house in normal or building mode please?
~~~~### PLEASE READ its affecting my gameplay! ###****
Would it be possible to have the Cerberus spirits in a fixed order or have their colours changed so they are easier to differentiate between each of them, the reason I ask for this change is because I have partial colour blindness and I cannot for the life of me see which spirit is which out of the three of them...
So at this moment in time I am forced to either constantly spam prayers when they attack me and hope for the best or just tank the hits and eat after they hit their 60 damage...
I have mentioned this to many people while there and they also mentioned friends with the same problem would this be possible to get changed or is there another viable option because im already starting to hate this as a new slayer task/boss and its getting rather un-enjoyable.