The Crystal Bow currently loses ranged accuracy and strength bonuses as it degrades. This ONLY happens in OSRS, making it an unfavourable weapon choice. The bow itself costs around 360 gp per shot on the first purchase of the bow, and costs slightly less after recharging the bow multiple times (down to 74 gp/shot after 5 + recharges). The Crystal Bow is very powerful, and requires multiple tough quests to achieve. The fact that it costs so much (900K initially), and that it degrades COMPLETELY after around 1 hour and 40 minutes of continuous fighting, counters its powerfulness.
In addition to this, it also loses valuable bonuses as it degrades. The only way to counteract this is to play Nightmare Zone and get 20K points. This is not only time consuming, but it also only works for the duration of the bows life, and once the bow reverts to it's seed form (after less than 2 hours), the player must then go and earn ANOTHER 20K points in Nightmare Zone to re-enchant it.
Why not just get rid of this loss all together? Barrows equipment degrades, but doesn't lose stats, so why is it that the Crystal Bow does?
Suggestion 1: Get rid of this stat loss all together.
Suggestion 2: Make the Nightmare Zone imbue/enchantment carry over to the next bow that is enchanted (i.e. Crystal Bow (imbued) turns into Crystal Seed (imbued) which turns into Crystal Bow (imbued) once recharged.
02-Jun-2015 07:27:12