I read and really liked this suggestion on reddit:
"If Jagex released Leagues as a conventional game, similar to Breath of the Wild, or how any other company that regularly releases a new title yearly, I would totaly buy that.
The game doesn't even need to be released as a title regularly, following an approach similar to how Super Smash has done it, with a release once in a while. It can also be done in an yearly fashion, where Leagues 1 is released one year, Leagues 2 the following year, and Leagues 3 a third year, and so on.
As I am not too sure about the number of people playing this regularly, I guess one negative aspect to this would be that in the long run, each title release would have fewer players that play it, but that is also kind of the beauty to it, since everyone are playing as an Ironman, and have to to some degree play the game in a selfsustaining style. One could also look at it from the perspective of having one year or so to play the content of the game, before another title of the same genre comes out.
I am not saying that this is 100% the way to go, and I do not know if the "single-purchase of a game to own" is a good model, but this suggestion is meant as an supplement to the main game, and not to replace it. From the consumer perspective, I would love to own a specific version of a game, knowing I will be able to play it 10 years or now from now (similar to owning a PS2 with GTA), if I feel like i want to."
20-Nov-2020 12:17:51