
Small Suggestions Thread Thread is sticky

Quick find code: 322-323-184-65614746

Always Dave

Always Dave

Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please update the Fossegrimen's altar to allow players to add more than 2-4 charges to the lyre. I know that you can give him a bunch of fish to permanently enchant them, but for Ironmen who don't have high tier diaries done, getting 1000 manta ray, sea turtle, etc is really difficult, especially because of how unplayable fishing trawler is for people with high ping. Please allow players to use noted sharks or whatever fish is accepted there to add multiple charges to the lyre. So if I had 100 noted sharks, I could use them on the altar and add 200 charges to the lyre.

23-Feb-2020 21:33:26

Forged Honor
Jul Member 2022

Forged Honor

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Could we please remove the strength experience gained from pushing through the wheat in Puro Puro? Myself amongst many other skillers love this area but avoid the content overall due to the chance of gaining combat experience. I don't see any reason experience should be gained and if it was removed it would add more attraction to the great content that Puro Puro is. I realise it was polled on July 07, 2017 and did not meet the required votes but I do believe this is unjustified as it's so minute and will make no noticeable changes to the game, except allow more people to enjoy this content.

Sincerely, A player of RuneScape for 14 years.

Thank you.

24-Feb-2020 23:10:50

Sep Member 2019


Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Solely Zaros said :
Miniquest / Beginner Quest idea. (Most-likely Member content)

Have players care for the stray dogs in Varrock so they appear to have a cleaner look and allows player to interact more with the dogs. These poor dogs have been ignored and neglected for far too long.

The original idea:
Having players working with the apothecary to create an anti-flea shampoo or potion,
Working with the Saw-Mill Operator to learn how to build a shelter for each Varrock's straight dog. Building the shelter would require level 5 construction.
Also build a food bowl for the dogs, which could be refilled weekly for a small amount of cooking experience, and appreciation from the dogs.
An additional option to interact with the dog, which could be throwing a lace rope (or an other item) for the dog to fetch it and bring it back to the player (dropping on the ground)

This suggestion excludes dogs from Meiyerditch, as the area is "hostile" and prone to poverty.

Thank you.

You know what? Support. I always feel bad that I can't do more than offer the dogs of Varrock more than an occasional bone or piece of meat. At least let me pet the poor things!

25-Feb-2020 18:16:43



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wassup guys! When wearing bandos chestplate with a skillcape it has a very weird bug'ish look to the shoulder like show below:

Here is a GIF to see it better in motion:

There seems to be a grey block coming into view blocking the texture of the bandos and also the skill cape comes through the bandos.

Is there any way you guys could stop the skillcape shoulder from showing through the bandos shoulder piece and just keep the right side of the skillcapes shoulder (referenced from below)

And also remove that grey block from blocking the bandos texture? Thanks guys would love to hear back from you! :D
I am a Graphic Designer !
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26-Feb-2020 02:42:12

Sep Member 2020


Posts: 18 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bank Suggestion:

Display a warning before removing bank place holders, or removing a tab within your personal bank. I think that a warning for this wouldn't be too bothersome since you should only have to do this occasionally and if it becomes 'annoying' for players, have the option to "Never show this message again". There's been countless times where I accidentally removed them, along with some of my peers. Let me know if I can elaborate more, thank you Runescape!

26-Feb-2020 06:50:04

born ta die

born ta die

Posts: 23 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The northwest section of Meiyerditch (Sector 5), due south of the mine, is completely inaccessible. There are some doors and ladders that the player has no way of getting to. Please add some of the city-maze that is trademark of Meiyerditch (climbing up shelves, jumping from building to building, etc), to give access to that area. Traversing Meiyerditch buildings is fun, there should be more of it. If it's not worth the time for this rather "dead" area, at least make an existing barricade climbable with a certain agility level, so players can get in to the northwest corner area.

I also think the area should have a little more use. Simply adding a bank chest in the northwest area would do the trick. That way players could do any "bank standing" skills like herblore or fletching in this area. I would love to train in the Meiyerditch atmosphere, and it would be fun to travel through to access the bank chest, but you can't do much here without a way to bank.

I can't imagine it would take much time to add a bank chest and make an existing barricade climbable, even if this is a rather small and obscure idea. Or if I'm not the only Meiyerditch fan, it might be worth modifying some buildings to expand the city-maze .

26-Feb-2020 23:47:56



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RowThe8oat said :
Players should be able to toggle an option that would allow you to single click the compass to change the camera angle 90 degrees.

On RuneLite if you Right Click the Compass it will give you the options to look north, east, south, and west! Hope I was able to help :)
I am a Graphic Designer !
PM me for my services or to see my portfolio!

27-Feb-2020 00:10:48

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