Recently, there's been a bug about a +1 attack level added to certain accounts. Although there's been a forum concerning the issue, I liked to propose an NPC that has the ability to rollback/reset a certain or few skills. RS3 has one, known as Nastroth, so why not OSRS? And to be lore-friendly, it can be named
Am' Neesha
(Amnesia). Sorry, I'm not really good at names. She can be a mage that can help you forget things in order to rid away trouble times. When asked, she will give you a warning stating, "Are you sure you want to forget this moment in your past Do you want to reset this certain skill/s)?" Kind of like in Harry Potter, where Dumbledore used some spell to suck a memory into his wand and put it in a shrine of memories.
07-Mar-2019 00:11:19