Maybe there could be an untradeable amulet that you can only get from a slayer master, that prohibits any user from (successfully) attacking or teleblocking you in the wilderness while you are within a current slayer target's spawn zone, unless the target is one that had to be unlocked or you are skulled, in which case the amulet will simply not work, as a failsafe to prevent the amulet from being abused. However, once the slayer assignment has been completed, the protection will dissipate after a brief period of time, so the slayer will have to think ahead to successfully escape, or switch servers if they believe a player killer is loitering about, waiting for them to finish up.
The intended practicality of this item would be for lower-leveled slayers to be able to peacefully kill certain slayer targets without having to worry about stronger players mercilessly killing them.
(The following are choices to devs as to how the amulet should work.)
- A protected user may or may not have an icon over their head of the slayer skill icon to denote slayer-based protection. Lack of an icon could possibly help by not giving a PK any clues to begin their attack.
- Attacks dealt to the protected user will always yield a 0 or splash, and the defending player will not auto retaliate even if auto retaliation is turned on, or it would be entirely impossible, with chat telling the engaging player upon clicking "Attack [player]", something along the lines of "[player] is temporarily opted out of PvP" or "A Slayer Master is currently protecting [player] from your attacks.", although the latter message would also work for the first option.
26-Dec-2018 03:23:44