This may be a bit more than a small suggestion, but I think that it would be cool to be able to own your own boat that you can upgrade with the construction skill, similar to the player house.
I have a suggestion that i have been talking to many people about that we all loved and missed. Can you guys please bring back fist of guthix minigame. Getting magix xp isnt easier anymore and splashing to me is not a good thing for the game. The fact its that afkable is just wrong and should not be an option to do for magix xp. So gives us back fist of guthix, it was very fun to play and had great rewards and amazing magix xp.
• The option to face East, West and South by right-clicking on the compass like the current face North option. It would help align outlines properly when I want to have the navigation oriented in a way that is convenient.
• An option to choose bigger, different size mini-maps. It's tiny! Rapidly clicking just to move a short distance is tedious and hard to see where I'm heading before I'm already there when running and you don't have a lot of time to react and click on another spot, so your character can sometimes bounce around, wasting run energy.
• Speaking of run energy, why not have a configurable option to set it to auto-run when it recharges to 100%, that way my character will run from 100% to 0% and recharge from 0% to 100%.
• I love the "Clear history" option on the Public chat tab, any chance we could see a "Clear history" for the other tabs as well? Specifically the Game tab? It would be great to not only have the option to filter Game messages but also just clear them outright. A fresh text box area is really nice, I really enjoy seeing the "Welcome to RuneScape." like I do when I first login.
• How about having categories for items built into the search/buy option at the Grand Exchange? So for instance, in addition to searching directly for the item I want, how about having some listed categories (ie. ores, bars, logs) that when clicked on bring up all the items that are associated with the category? It would speed things up tremendously, especially when AFK.
• Also, the option to right-click on a skill on the skill screen and choose between alternate icons. There are some that I like from 2004 and there are some that were part of the end of 2007 update that changed all the icons. Having the best of both worlds would be so satisfying to look at and appreciate. It's '2007Scape' so technically the updated icons were part of that year
11-May-2018 07:49:40
- Last edited on
26-May-2018 20:04:02
Right now the Party Room is abandoned, even in the official Party Room world. Can we have NPCs make announcements when the party chest contains a certain amount of items like it used to?
Old School Update Priority: Fix Broken Skills > Revitalize Dead Minigames > Everything Else
Can every holiday event unlock all the holiday music? Missing a holiday event isnt out of the ordinary, and to have to wait a year to unlock something so minor is a bummer.
There is a problem with respawns in edgeville f2p pk world.
Ppl respawn there and can 1 item the crap out of you die and just start again instantly without
having to worry about food or prayer or even losing the item...
Like let there be a 5 min delay on spawns in edgeville or something.
Completing some existing quest lines such as the temple knight line would be an awesome update. There are many OSRS quests that have been completed in RS3 that could be introduced.