I would like an interactive Bestiary on the OldSchool Runescape website home page.
The link perhaps could be placed in the Game section between World Map and News.
In said Bestiary it would be nice to be able to use the table/first page to order the NPC's.
The columns could be : Name, Combat Level, Total Health , Attack, Strength, Defence, Range, Magic, Attack bonuses, Defence bonuses, Other bonuses and finally Location.
Each Name could also be a link to a Profile page with a Picture and the information above.
On the profile page it would be a nice touch to have the examine text and some lore.
An example could be something about The Wise Old Man living in Draynor and being a prime suspect of the bank robbery,along with also mentioning something about The Swan Song.
This Bestiary would be quite a valuable resource to be released before Mobile is released to help educate new players coming in who have no idea about fan based websites. Thanks!
11-Mar-2018 18:30:40