BRING BACK JUST PETS.. Miss seeing everyone's different animals and I know how no one liked the summoning thing so why not bring back the little companions? THANK YOU
Since we now have an Amulet of Glory in the ornate jewelry box, can we have the option to place a mounted Xeric's Talisman on the wall of our quest hall in place of the Glory?
BRING BACK JUST PETS.. Miss seeing everyone's different animals and I know how no one liked the summoning thing so why not bring back the little companions? THANK YOU
Is there going to be any way to advertise house parties / gilded altars without a using a secondary account to stand outside and advertise it in chat? Feel like this really encourages botting just to compete with other advertisers the way it is now.
please bring back gambling. in rs3 it was fun to work for some gold and then gamble it to see it disappear or look really funny in your bank. I know people get scammed but there really were some good groups of people to gamble with and the G.E. looked much more alive.
Is there going to be any way to advertise house parties / gilded altars without a using a secondary account to stand outside and advertise it in chat? Feel like this really encourages botting just to compete with other advertisers the way it is now.
Yeah i really agree on this one.
Could there be an advertisement board, for example like we got for raids ?