you think it might be a smart idea to let people know when you get void if you go pasted 20 wild that you will lose it.... perm
really pissed off right know that i pay you people and you dont share the updated info
I've never suggested anything as far as i recall, for anything for that matter.
But since i have to train agility i littarly want to pull my hair out of my head, burn it with a tinderbox. And afterwards see if it tastes good, purely to get rid of the extremely tedious agility leveling for 5 seconds.
So my suggestion: P L E A S E add a somewhat easier decent way to level agility, considering the way it's being trained now is absolutely terrible, i'm positive others will agree with that, exept those who got 99 already >.> lawl.
Training firemaking was annoying somewhat before as well, now we have wintertodt it's great, we need something sortlike for agility because it's stupidly long to train a single level, or even less then that for that matter
I personally don't agree with you. If you want a quick and easy way to train skills, consider trying Runescape 3. There shouldn't be an easy way to train every single skill. Some skills in OSRS are already buyable, and could quickly be attained by buying the materials. I don't think this reflects the main idea of Runescape which is to grind, and takes away from the sense of reward that one gets from the hard effort required to get 99 in a skill.
Best regards,
I'm not saying it has to be "quick" i'm saying it doesn't have to take 5 years to get agility 70/80. Which it does now, if it isn't 10 years at that. And the moment i go to runescape 3, is the moment i've officialy gone full retard mode on myself. Hopefully never
Wtb pmods to deal with the bots. Wtb jagex to wake up and add a proper multi zone.
30-Oct-2016 16:12:03
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30-Oct-2016 16:12:48
Would it be possible to make a Task only area for Kurask? If not a task only area maybe increase the number of kurask in the existing area? Since the much needed buff of drops it has become quite difficult to find a world not full of for profit campers. I have not noticed as much trouble with other monsters.
We need something that has the effect of the "Berserk" curse in Runescape 3. Something to make our potions last longer. Maybe a new item? An idol of some form? Maybe a reward from a new high level quest. Would be nice to have something like that to make slayer and bossing better considering we don't have curses, and probably wont ever be getting.
My friend and I were talking today and we realized the one thing that we were both missing and would both love to be included in Oldschool Runescape is music channels.
People would be able to join someone's music channel and listen to the music that was uploaded by the channel owner. The channel would also act as a separate chat in which people listening to the music would be able to socialize and discuss the music. We are certain that this would bring the Runescape community closer together and create a better playing environment for everyone.
We realized that having people uploading other producers songs to Runescape would create problems with copyright. Our solution to this problem would be having the uploads be temporary. For example, the channel owner would upload a list of music he want's to be playing for the people listening to his channel, but every time the owner logged off the playlist would be permanently deleted and the owner would have to upload a new playlist the next time he logged on. There could also be 2 hour periods after which the uploaded music would be automatically deleted. We don't think this would cause problems with the producers of the music, in fact, the channels would probably even let a few producers become more known.
If this is possible, we would love to have a feature like this in-game. It would create a tight-knit and friendly community who share a lot in common. It would allow for some music developers to become more known, and this would most likely increase the amount of new players coming into Oldschool runescape.
Thank you for hearing us out, we appreciate it,
There should be a more alerting message when one of your barrows pieces gets broken. I keep fighting with barrows armour 0 because i can't tell when it breaks
Please add a second Cave Kraken lair to the game. Every world is full and it always takes me ages to find an empty world or another option would be a private room where u have to pay coins.
There should be a way to abort the action of pouring produce into compost bin.
Recently I accidentally used a herb on a compost bin, which I noticed right away and tried to walk way. But my character just continued putting herbs into the bin until it was full and I couldn't stop it in any way.
Maybe add a "Put in x items" screen for that action, similar to Cooking etc.