Not a high priority, but if possible I think it would be a nice quality of life update if you guys made so that bags like the coal bag and wilderness loot bag "empty" into instead of being put into a bank when the "deposit inventory" button is clicked.
1. For people like me who are going for the music cape, could we have a way of checking how many songs we have unlocked, for example at the top of the music interface (e.g 215/510)or maybe by talking to falo the bard in Relekka . Also, would it be possible to add a tab in which we could add favourite songs.
2. Any chance master diaries could be added in the future...?
11-Aug-2016 12:39:58
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11-Aug-2016 12:55:11
Just a few little suggestions to add some uses to existing content:
1. If they do not already could Elder Chaos Druid Robes be used as a Zamorak item in GWD
2. Add Falador Shield 1 to the list of Saradomin Items for GWD (already has a large Saradomin Insignia on it so it just seems fitting).
This would give Pures a little more diversity when trawling through the bank for useful items to take to GWD in order to get immunity.
Make it possible that you can combine torag hammers into a torag hammer allowing the use of a shield while equiping the full torag set so it looks more appealing as a tank option with the amulet of the damned making the torag hammer would require high smithing and elite morytania diary completion and would need to be combined with a dragon warhammer
could you look into banning the bots on f2p please, because i have made a 2nd account.. everywhere i go there is bots.. and not just 1 or 2 there is 20 - 30 all with the same stats names and stuff, it's not fair because everyone plays legit and they get the advantage by cheating.. i can't mine a rock because of this issue and i really strongly believe it needs addressing. thank you.