I suggest adding a drop of coins to clue scrolls. Often times, people don't do clue scrolls because the rewards are, well, bad. I understand that items are meant to be valuable are very rare (i.e. 3rd age, gilded, etc), but when someone does an elite clue or hard clue that takes them an extended period of time to only get a 10-40k reward? Obviously no one is going to do them. I suggest adding a guaranteed drop of coins to clues as follows:
Easy Clue - 5k
Med Clue - 15k
Hard Clue - 25k
Elite Clue - 50k
Master Clue - 75k
The only thing this will do to the game is make clue scrolls a bit more "worth doing" for lack of a better term. Knowing that I at least have 50k to look forward to actually doesn't make me much more inclined to do it, but hey, at least it's something as compared to a dragon mace and 10 tuna potatoes. At the very least, the coins cover the expense of travel (teleports, food, staminas, etc).
Besides, what sort of treasure chest doesn't have a nice stack of coins in it?
P.S. Due to master clues requiring; the sacrifice of all previously existing levels of clues, the stats and quests done to do them, and have luck on your side, the rewards will be silly rare. Please, don't make some nonsensical "clue pet" that is something not worth receiving. A pet worth while to see would be a white dragon. On examine a dialog box could read "A dragon from the 3rd age. Very few remain." or something to that effect. It goes well with the lore of 3rd age being extremely rare. Also, 3rd age range is supposedly made of white dragon hide anyhow.
I appreciate the read and consideration of any and all ideas mentioned.
13-Apr-2016 21:50:18