
Small Suggestions Thread Thread is sticky

Quick find code: 322-323-184-65614746



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1) you have to allow people back into Ape Atol WITHOUT taking the experience from dareo, i wish to get my rune gloves but do not desire DEF. thats how it was before and it was perfect.

2)Extreme potions for normal use have to make a comeback, they were a hell of a step up on herblore and combat. definitely makes things interesting.

3)please tell me turmoil will be making an appearance, or if not the next step up for piety which can run turmoil for its money, and please make it accessible to low def lvls like before , please no high defense requirements . it allows for amazing build types and is extremely rewarding once the prayer is usable.

4)gota to bring back claws, handcannon, etc!!! lot of stuff from runescape 2, it was all good stuff!!!!

5) weres the MAP!!!! seriously put it back in like before, its a must.


i miss the amount of power that came from my old fully buffed turmoil zerker with a chaotic maul! i had put to much time and effort in my old account to not be able to use it anymore, just recently started oldschool im loving it so far, but theres definitely things to be added and corrected to make it more enjoyable

11-Sep-2015 09:21:15 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2015 09:31:25 by DivineZerkz

Iron Kinny

Iron Kinny

Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My suggestion.. Make the escape key close the bank interface while it is open.

Not only is this simply an interface convenience with 1 keystroke fulfilling 1 click, it does not interfere with anything that is already there.

11-Sep-2015 22:26:41

deadmau5 07
Dec Member 2023

deadmau5 07

Posts: 5,274 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We have a Cat mask from treasure trails...
So... if you read my name you know where this is going...

or cheese hat... i'd go for a cheese hat!

Biased Hatred towards Disney inside Spoiler...
Just gotta be careful of copyright infringement with that Devil company Disney. They like to claim they have ALL rights to mice contraband. So just mouse ears in general could end in a lawsuit.

(the musician deadmau5 had a tussle with Disney over his YEARS old mau5head logo, they claimed it was too similar to their mickey mouse logo and could cause confusion when he applied for a trademark or something in the US. he holds the trademark in multiple multiple countries and was just getting a.... find an article I'll stop there haha)


you are asking to ruin the game in most of the communitie's eyes.
If you want those items go play RS3 on legacy only worlds.
Turmoil + Claws + Extremes = Death of the wilderness as we know it.

Handcannon... eh take it or leave it. Depends how it's dropped. But probably won't be introduced as it would lower Dbow price. And heaven forbid they do that!
The time is out of joint
O cursèd spite

11-Sep-2015 22:44:14 - Last edited on 11-Sep-2015 22:50:17 by deadmau5 07

Shoji Hamada
Nov Member 2023

Shoji Hamada

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So in deadman mode, upon killing another player, their bank key will be dropped. To make it more interesting, these could be treated somewhat like Clue Scrolls. The key could be used on something (or given to an NPC) which gives the player an item similar to the Clue Scroll from OSRS.


1. Same as a normal OSRS Clue Scroll or unique, PvP based steps could be used.

2. It must be completed in 30 minutes, or else it dissapears.

3. There is a 50% chance the directions of the Clue Scroll are wrong and all of the items in the bank are gone forever and a 50% chance the directions are right, permitting you to loot 'x' amount of items from the bank account.

4. When the Clue Scroll is finished, if successful, the resulting casket will hold the contents of the 'Pked' player's bank.

5. The player may choose to take 'x' amount of items that are in the casket and everything else dissapears. The casket will remain in the player's inventory until arrival at a bank where the contents can be deposited into a bank.

6. If it is not completed within 30 minutes, the player who died will be prompted with a message saying that they can recover a couple of items that they lost by speaking to a banker.

12-Sep-2015 01:20:03

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When “using* flax on the spinning wheel, it will bring up the “Make X” window instead of making one bow string automatically. (In general, if we use the required item on the spinning wheel, it will bring up the “make X” window.)

Ability to Call our Pet Cat to us. It can be stuck behind objects and when I need to fed the kitten, it is more of a hassle. I usually logout or switch worlds.

Have a text notification when cat is hungry, needs attention, and really hungry, not when the players brings up the dialogue, actually in chat box in color. During combat, I miss the dialogue. This is just an extra warning, within the game chat box

Kazgar and Mistag, the Dorgeshuun Goblin, need a quick travel from have a right-click travel to
the mine and water mill cellar/Out of the mine?

Ability to auto fill all empty plant pots

Have withdraw X/ALL for sacks and baskets that have produce in them. Withdrawing one takes a while, and it appears that it has a delay before you can even take out the next produce.

Churning (plate of butter/cream and cheese) decrease the time of creating them. (Takes 10-15 seconds to make one. Making 6 = 1-1.5 minutes)

Add the cheese wheel (When slicing provides 3-6 per wheel)

Windmills, creating flour, abilities to make 5 or 10 flour at the same time. Making one at a time is slow. Go three levels of stairs, put in one grain, pull lever, go back 3 levels of stairs, use pot to get 1 pot of flour. Repeat. Ability to put in more than one will be helpful.

Tower of Life, speed up the process and skip the dialogues. Ability to make several offers at once but can only activate one at a time.

Quick exit out of Puro Puro

Banker in Ardy’s South bank, the female, either be removed or switched with the other male banker? She just stands there looking at the wall.

Bucket Pack and Pot Pack being sold only at Port Pastmasy. The shop sells 100 at a time, which is nice, despite that. Having the ability to buy packs will benefit many players.

12-Sep-2015 12:55:22 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2015 12:58:14 by Playingosrs

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