When “using* flax on the spinning wheel, it will bring up the “Make X” window instead of making one bow string automatically. (In general, if we use the required item on the spinning wheel, it will bring up the “make X” window.)
Ability to Call our Pet Cat to us. It can be stuck behind objects and when I need to fed the kitten, it is more of a hassle. I usually logout or switch worlds.
Have a text notification when cat is hungry, needs attention, and really hungry, not when the players brings up the dialogue, actually in chat box in color. During combat, I miss the dialogue. This is just an extra warning, within the game chat box
Kazgar and Mistag, the Dorgeshuun Goblin, need a quick travel from have a right-click travel to
the mine and water mill cellar/Out of the mine?
Ability to auto fill all empty plant pots
Have withdraw X/ALL for sacks and baskets that have produce in them. Withdrawing one takes a while, and it appears that it has a delay before you can even take out the next produce.
Churning (plate of butter/cream and cheese) decrease the time of creating them. (Takes 10-15 seconds to make one. Making 6 = 1-1.5 minutes)
Add the cheese wheel (When slicing provides 3-6 per wheel)
Windmills, creating flour, abilities to make 5 or 10 flour at the same time. Making one at a time is slow. Go three levels of stairs, put in one grain, pull lever, go back 3 levels of stairs, use pot to get 1 pot of flour. Repeat. Ability to put in more than one will be helpful.
Tower of Life, speed up the process and skip the dialogues. Ability to make several offers at once but can only activate one at a time.
Quick exit out of Puro Puro
Banker in Ardy’s South bank, the female, either be removed or switched with the other male banker? She just stands there looking at the wall.
Bucket Pack and Pot Pack being sold only at Port Pastmasy. The shop sells 100 at a time, which is nice, despite that. Having the ability to buy packs will benefit many players.
12-Sep-2015 12:55:22
- Last edited on
12-Sep-2015 12:58:14