Runescape Username: GoshJomez
Any previous RSN:no
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): yes
Combat Level: 121
Total Level: 1681
Favorite Boss: vorkath
Favorite Skill: slayer
Timezone: central
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): usually everyday atleast a 2 hours or more. it depends. lately im on leave so i have more time to play.
Current Goals: make some money doing nightmare, bossing, and make some friends. I want to eventually max.
Previous Clans: TheGang
Reasons for Leaving: just need to find new people to actually pvm and do stuff with. The clan was good, but i found myself not finding many pvm events or anything going on.
How did you find us?: osrs clan forum
What makes you want to join?: I liked your introduction. If your clan is how you describe it seems like a nice tight group of people. I want to just be able to have chill conversations with people while we play or something.
Why should we choose you?: i'm pretty laid back and friendly, i might not know everything about this game but with the little I know i'm more than willing to help others
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: willingness to help and patience in teaching others.
Brief Bio: Im 26, a father and in the army so my time isn't always available unfortunately I enjoy working out, spending time with my girls and playing osrs. Im pretty laid back about everything, and friendly.
22-Dec-2020 03:18:27