Runescape Username:
Any previous RSN:
Do you have Discord (Do not put here):
Combat Level:
Total Level:
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Skill:
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week):
Current Goals:
Previous Clans:
Reasons for Leaving:
How did you find us?:
What makes you want to join?:
Why should we choose you?:
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?:
Brief Bio:
Any previous RSN:
WARG0D, And Deez
Do you have Discord (Do not put here):
Combat Level:
Total Level:
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Skill:
Agility at Sepulchre or Runecrafting
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week):
4-6 a day, and around 20 hours a week.
Current Goals:
Toa kits, Combat diaries, Max cash for future content like sailing, new bosses.
Previous Clans:
Been a part of TnT, pvms finest, ascension knights, stud unit, green bandits too many to name lol. Lots of good clans.
Reasons for Leaving:
I just end up leaving many times cause it doesn't end up being what I was looking for or something happens like the clan dies. I just want a clan that is active in discord and chat, does fun events, and have people to boss with.
How did you find us?:
On the forums.
What makes you want to join?:
Looking for people to chill with while gaming or to boss with.
Why should we choose you?:
Not too sure I'm friendly, I can teach raids, and I'm somewhat knowledgeable about the game.
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?:
Being a part of a active clan that does things together like events, chill on voice, boss together.
Brief Bio:
I'm in uni to become a rn. I like variety gaming and watching ufc/basketball/anime with my friends.
Local Pub
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Member of Local Pub Community Clan
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QFC: 320-321-295-66214208
17-Nov-2023 22:39:25