Runescape Username: nist1x
Any previous RSN:
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Yes
Combat Level: 110.9
Total Level: 1561
Favorite Boss: Vorkrath
Favorite Skill: Runecrafting
Timezone: Central
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): maybe 2-6, 20-30
Current Goals: I have 15/35 kc left on general, maybe would like to learn raid, but I'm still far from that.
Previous Clans: We Run Ess
Reasons for Leaving: Taking a break from running.
How did you find us?: osrs forums
What makes you want to join?: Would like to do bandos with a group, cant take soloing anymore lol
Why should we choose you?: Super teachable, I have some decent levels but almost no experiencing bossing or pvm with groups.
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: Respect, fairness, good vibe overall.
Brief Bio: Got back into osrs during quarantine, and just looking to see how much of the game I can explore and complete now.
12-Nov-2020 23:33:35