Any previous RSN: I think I have always been Robby 07.
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Yes.
Combat Level: 118
Total Level: 1665
Favorite Boss: Zulrah. I love that snake. Vorkath when Zulrah is being mean to me. I really like trying to beat my pb times on bosses.
Favorite Skill: Slayer
Timezone: Pacific Standard
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): About 1-4 hours 5 days a week. Depends on what I am doing in the game.
Current Goals: Learn cox so it isn't so stressful. I've only gone a few times and I get super stressed out because I don't want to mess it up for everyone else. I have raided a lot in wow but runescape raids stress me out so I want to get good enough to where I don't have to even think about it.
Previous Clans: None
Reasons for Leaving: Never in one.
How did you find us?: Cayman 07 is my best friend and he told me about the clan.
What makes you want to join?: So I can play with my friend and make some new ones. Cayman keeps telling me to learn raids and I have been pushing it off forever.
Why should we choose you?: I enjoy runescape and chatting with people in-game. I also like to encourage people. I think if I learn raids, I'll be a consistent body to take. I really like bossing in general and can tank in gwd. Also I have two magma mutagens
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: Never been in an RS clan, but in WoW I looked for guilds that were fair and laid back.
Brief Bio: I'm a college student right now. I played very little Runescape as a kid because I played wow. My friend plays OSRS all the time, so finally one day I decided to give it a real try. I kinda got pulled in by the crazy adventures the quests made you go on. My friend was always flexing on me with his gear so I just kept wanting to get more and more. I've been playing off and on for around 2 years and my magma mutagens are literally the only thing I can flex over him.