Runescape Username: Em ii
Any previous RSN: Fookin Datgu
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Em iI#7275
Combat Level: 120
Total Level: 2129
Favorite Boss: Zulrah, COX with a group, learning TOB atm
Favorite Skill: Construction
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): 4,25
Current Goals: Build bank for tbow and proceed on tbow rebuild
Previous Clans:
Reasons for Leaving:
How did you find us?: Sang (fellow cc member) recruited me at GE
What makes you want to join?: The want to make friends in a pvm community setting and seeing everyone grow.
Why should we choose you?: I am dedicated, willing to learn and want to improve as a player and community member. i am trust worthy, knowledgeable about the game and enjoy helping others.
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: having a group of players to play on a daily basis. i believe the most important thing in this game is community and i would love to be part of one.
Brief Bio: been playing since 2004 on multiple accounts, this account is by far my furthest progressed. i learn content quickly and im a very active and helpful player.
31-Aug-2020 08:33:25