Runescape Username: LPBanker
Any previous RSN: N/A
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Yes
Combat Level: 121.2
Total Level: 1562
Favorite Boss: Zulrah for solo, Bandos for group/clan
Favorite Skill: Slayer for combat skill and fishing for skilling!
Timezone: Mountain
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): Can fluctuate but i try to be on for a minimum of a couple hours a day and try to be on every day, usually around 2-5 hours a day.
Current Goals: Max combat stats, complete ds2, and learn how to raid.
Previous Clans: No big official clans, just open pvm clans that friends were in
Reasons for Leaving: last clan dissolved because of drama with owner and all the other officers besides myself sadly.
How did you find us?: a player from the ge told me i should apply when i mentioned wanting to learn raids but no longer had a good clan for it.
What makes you want to join?: The ability to learn raids and other pvm skills, as well as my limited experience with the clan so far being very positive and enjoyable.
Why should we choose you?: I think I would be a great fit for all pvm activities, once i learn how to do them of course. I also dont have any problems getting along with all players of rs and try very hard to be friendly. I learn quickly and always try my hardest to help people in clans i join
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: To me the most important thing for a clan would be a very active and friendly community, that way people have plenty of chances to not only pvm together but build friendships and comradeship with everyone in the clan.
Brief Bio: I am a semi noobie rs player who spent a lot of time grinding but not a lot of time enjoying and learning how to really play the game, i enjoy the bossing that i have learned and look forward to being able to boss and raid with everyone from this clan!
22-Aug-2020 06:16:02