Runescape Username: Ka se
Any previous RSN: no
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Yes
Combat Level: 122
Total Level: 1991
Favorite Boss: cerberus/cox
Favorite Skill: farming/slayer
Timezone: CDT
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): just came back after a year, plan on playing more
Current Goals:99 slayer, 126 combat
Previous Clans: apollo PVM, Pegasus PVM, Nightshade PVM
Reasons for Leaving: quit game
How did you find us?: Forums
What makes you want to join?: Social and pvm groups
Why should we choose you?: I'm relaxed and social, have 100+ kc on most group bosses in the game (not TOB, TOA or Inferno)
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: that people are kind and trustworthy and that the admins take care of keeping the clan appropriate and inviting
Brief Bio: i'm 22, played Rs since 2005. I'm relaxed and love to talk, joke and have fun with the homies in text or voice. I'm not super focused on efficiency or straining myself to play the game, I just enjoy having fun and have a deep affection for runescape and its community.
31-Aug-2022 10:42:54