Runescape Username: Fallen Pro
Past Usernames: N/A
Time Zone: Est from the burghhhh
Your Combat Level: 98
Your Magic Level: 90
Your Range Level: 81
Your Prayer Level: 79
Your Total Level: 1281
Highest Combat Skill and It's Level:
Magic 91
Highest Non-Combat Skill and It's Level: Woodcutting 65
How did you find out about us:
Ran into a member
If you were recruited by someone, who: Doesn't recall username
Why do you want to join us: Not in a clan atm thats why was interested
Previous clans: None
Will you Stay Active in the Clan Chat: I'll stay active in the clan chat
Will you regularly view and bump this thread: Yes
Will you do your best to attend events and meetings: I'll do my best to attend events and meetings.
You've been accepted, Fallen Pro!
Welcome to Gambino, we look forward to having you in our family!
Runescape Username: Sterlander
Past Usernames: Don't think so?
Time Zone: PST
Your Combat Level: 86
Your Magic Level: 60
Your Range Level: 62
Your Prayer Level: 49
Your Total Level: 1213
Highest Combat Skill and It's Level: Attack, Strength, Defense, level 70
Highest Non-Combat Skill and It's Level: Cooking, 100 (don't judge me)
How did you find out about us: Met an awesome mate named Glorioso while cooking some Karambwams, commented on his pet, and we chilled out for a bit. Offered me to join the clan. I obliged.
If you were recruited by someone, who: Glorioso
Why do you want to join us: New to clans, wanted to see what it was like. Mafia clans sound badass. Maybe help out with my skilling.
Previous clans: None
Will you Stay Active in the Clan Chat: Most likely; depends if I'm busy or not.
Will you regularly view and bump this thread: Probably not? Never been big on mainting / monitering threads
Will you do your best to attend events and meetings: Depends if I can them or not; if I can, then yeah, probably.
Sterlander, welcome to Gambino!
You've been accepted, we look forward to having you in our family!