Preferred Name / Nickname: Speuce
Time Zone: EST
Are you aged 18+?: Yes
Tell us a little about yourself: Long time RS player, maxed/comp on RS3 and ready for a new adventure
Are you comfortable using Discord?*: Yes
Then, tell us about your RuneScape progress and preferences:
Username: Speucer
Account Type (Main / Ironman / HCIM / etc.): Main
Combat and Total Lvl: 71, 1053
Primary Playstyle (Pvm/Skiller/PvP): PvM/skiller
Favorite content: Bossing, quests, minigames
Current Goals: Getting out of midgame!
Previous clans, if any: none in OSRS
What are you looking for in a clan: Friendly, opportunities to learn group content
How did you find us / who referred you?: Recruited by Fuhk Yew
23-Apr-2023 20:58:39