Preferred Name / Nickname: Arizona Pro , Alex
Time Zone: US West
Are you aged 18+?: Yes
Tell us a little about yourself:Made this account when GIM came out, played before years ago. Played as a GIM with randoms people who quit through the mid game. Stopped being an IM got some skills uop then regretting my decision as I enjoyed IM life more but don't have the time to make a new account. Re made my account with only items on collection log and have a half way IM playthrough.
Are you comfortable using Discord?*: Yes , Arizona Pro#6725
Then, tell us about your RuneScape progress and preferences:
Username: Arizona Pro
Account Type (Main / Ironman / HCIM / etc.):
Combat and Total Lvl: 121
Primary Playstyle (Pvm/Skiller/PvP): pmv, skiller
Favorite content: serachnis,
Current Goals: Quest cape, base 80s, and learning TOA and Zul-rah
Previous clans, if any: A few that were either too clichés or nobody talked
What are you looking for in a clan: People to talk to and do group events.
How did you find us / who referred you?: was messaged by Night Puma
18-Feb-2023 05:47:56
- Last edited on
18-Feb-2023 05:52:05
Arizona Pro