First, briefly introduce yourself...
Preferred Name / Nickname: Ayo, I'm Kennedy
Time Zone: PST
Are you aged 18+?: yes
Tell us a little about yourself: I played this like a little pee-jug goblin when I was 10, and a decade and change later I decided to get back into it. I made an account earlier when oldschool was released, but haven't played since Zulrah was the meta. I'll mostly be on in the evenings but some afternoons, as I'm self employed.
Are you comfortable using Discord?*: I would definitely prefer to have a discord
Then, tell us about your RuneScape progress and preferences:
I'm kind of putting together what I need for my account now, but right now I'm mostly afking slayer and questing. I'm mostly just looking for people to chat with and sometimes ask catch up questions. I'm pretty set for midgame PVM but I need to quest and gather some gear for more endgame stuff. Working towards getting SOTE pre-reqs done.
Account Type (Main / Ironman / HCIM / etc.): main
Combat and Total Lvl: 1388, 104
Primary Playstyle (Pvm/Skiller/PvP): used to pvp a lot, these days I want to pvm
Favorite content: excited to try all the new bosses. Did so much GWD back in the day I could puke
Current Goals: Pre-reqs for SOTE, finishing 2 slayer tasks to get my helmet then going to nightmare zone and leveling to imbue it
Previous clans, if any: never
What are you looking for in a clan: people to shoot the shit with and maybe wouldn't mind me learning some of the new bosses/raids with them
How did you find us / who referred you?: just on the forums
*Please do not share your Discord username with us in this application. We will reach out to you in game and ask for it.
07-Sep-2022 05:01:52