Iron Thollus
RSN at the time of application: "Iron Thollus"
Please visit us for a WEEK before proceeding with the application to see if it fits your needs.
Have you visited our CC for any length of time? How many days? It's been approximately a week tomorrow I've been sat as guest.
Have you read our Code of Conduct section? Yes
Age group: 28
Why do you believe we will be a good fit for you? I'm a returning player to OS, wanted to join a social group.
What kind of account are you? Iron man, but have a main but don't play that anymore.
What kind of events do you hope to see? Weekly skilling events, social gatherings etc.
All clan announcements and organized events are made via our clan discord. If you wish to take part of these events and know what is happening in the clan, you need to be a part of Discord. Do you acknowledge this? Yes
Do you want an invite to our Discord server? Yes
What are your personal goals in game? Plenty of short term goals for a low level iron, get into bossing etc. Long term goals will be to enviably be solo'ing CoX as an iron.
What is your time zone? GMT +1
Were you referred? If yes, by who? - Found on forums
Were you with, or are you currently with any clans? No
If you were, why did you leave? N/A
Will you agree to bump the forums intermittently? Yes
Finally, tell us a Runescape story.
Been playing RS since approximately 2007, met a lot of good people along the way. Recently due to work commitments I've struggled to maintain playing two accounts effectively, so ultimately I chose to stick with the iron and progress it forward into my potential main account, my highlight on my other account will have to be 99 slayer, the many months it taken was a great achievement for myself. Hope to recreate the same accomplishments on the new account.
Nasty Hobbitses
- Iron Thollus
Accepted, welcome to AWL cc
RSN at the time of application: "Iron Thollus"
Please visit us for a WEEK before proceeding with the application to see if it fits your needs.
Have you visited our CC for any length of time? How many days? It's been approximately a week tomorrow I've been sat as guest.
Have you read our Code of Conduct section? Yes
Age group: 28
Why do you believe we will be a good fit for you? I'm a returning player to OS, wanted to join a social group.
What kind of account are you? Iron man, but have a main but don't play that anymore.
What kind of events do you hope to see? Weekly skilling events, social gatherings etc.
All clan announcements and organized events are made via our clan discord. If you wish to take part of these events and know what is happening in the clan, you need to be a part of Discord. Do you acknowledge this? Yes
Do you want an invite to our Discord server? Yes
What are your personal goals in game? Plenty of short term goals for a low level iron, get into bossing etc. Long term goals will be to enviably be solo'ing CoX as an iron.
What is your time zone? GMT +1
Were you referred? If yes, by who? - Found on forums
Were you with, or are you currently with any clans? No
If you were, why did you leave? N/A
Will you agree to bump the forums intermittently? Yes
Finally, tell us a Runescape story.
Been playing RS since approximately 2007, met a lot of good people along the way. Recently due to work commitments I've struggled to maintain playing two accounts effectively, so ultimately I chose to stick with the iron and progress it forward into my potential main account, my highlight on my other account will have to be 99 slayer, the many months it taken was a great achievement for myself. Hope to recreate the same accomplishments on the new account.
Nasty Hobbitses
- Iron Thollus
Accepted, welcome to AWL cc

14-Mar-2022 20:24:21