A recent "Scam" I've witnessed is people who ask about ways to make money fast. They ask this to engage nearby players, thinking they want to legitimately advance. Often they will state something like "100k from getting a bond" to put a cash value on the distance from their goal. However they will only reply asking for supplies for whatever you suggest. Otherwise they will ignore you, or restart the loop.
I.e. today I told someone in f2p "try telegrabbing nature runes in the wildy, one of the best profits in game currently" They replied" how many runes should I bring" when I gave a few suggestions they replied "I can't afford that many"
This "scam" is intended to imply that they've legitimately earned the majority of their goal, and are at the end of their rope trying to finish the goal. It's targeted to players willing to hand out cash.
12-Oct-2017 13:31:31