King Awesome
You guys see the forum page right now?
It looks like we need an Orion forum.
Or a proper response from Jagex mods on them.
We were promised a discussion about 3rd party clients a long ass time ago and no word still.
Many things are simply unfair advantage over players who do not use such clients. The threads wouldn't be needed if the clients were fair and didn't provide any unfair advantages.
05-Sep-2015 12:44:53
- Last edited on
05-Sep-2015 12:45:15
A proper response from Jagex about it would be nice. On the forums too preferably lol
Better yet, a proper discussion, one where players can put their opinions forward and Jagex can listen and reply with theirs. Formatted like a dev blog with modified clients being the topic.
I find it quite amusing that Saradomin's light is an uncommon drop and worth pretty much nothing.
Thought it'd be 1/128 at least lol, even Rune kiteshields are worth more.
King Awesome
You guys see the forum page right now?
It looks like we need an Orion forum.
if the clients were fair and didn't provide any unfair advantages.
Except to some people every feature is deemed "unfair".
OS Status: Nothing atm.
RS3 Status: 120 Slayer done now onto figuring out what I should do next.