I'm going to jump on the complainers bandwagon here.
You just had an incentive reward (scarecrow mask) a month ago for buying a 3 month membership card. I didn't mind when it was happening every 3 months or so, but now it seems that between the card incentives, Solomans and the SOL, you are adding stuff almost weekly that we are to pay extra for above and beyond the membership fees. With EoC around the corner and all of these buy, buy, buy things going on, I'm starting to get annoyed with it all.
It's as if you can foresee the future and you know the world's going to end (yeah, I know about the Mayan calendar thing) or that you can see hordes or people just getting fed up with it all and leaving, bringing an eventual end to the game, so you are milking us for nearly every ounce of our blood before it happens.
It's all making my head spin and quite honestly, the over load is causing me to really lose interest, which is sad, because I thoroughly enjoy this game. I can afford the extras here and there but holy cow, slow down will ya?
17-Nov-2012 09:18:30