
Gamecard: Grand Lightning Pack

Quick find code: 294-295-99-64092526

A Time Thief
Sep Member 2007

A Time Thief

Posts: 1,740 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Um, hello? I think this question needs answering ASAP, JaGEx.
"Is there any chance you'll ever extend these rewards to players who pay by credit card?"
I've been paying by CC for over 6 years and lately these in-game reward giveaways have basically been middle fingers to me and everyone else who doesn't want to go out of his/her way to buy these cards. Y'all keep insisting this isn't Real World Trading. YES it is, by definition... especially now considering there's a stat boost involved with this package.
I'd like a mask, emotes and other cosmetic options, please. They're small things but you've offered so much to buy-a-game-card-members that it's basically a HUGE thing.

16-Nov-2012 19:54:31

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 3,919 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
JAGeX ceased to exist years ago, what is left are soul-less wallet-sucking corporatist creatures known now and onward, as "FailGeX". Clan:
Void Nation
20+ Veteran
Balance is Eternal

JAGeX Verified Clan Site:

16-Nov-2012 20:04:09



Posts: 93 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You guys keep adding these things for people that buy game cards, why not let us get these in the loyalty shop that hasnt had an updated in forever besides the sale you guys are going to do or just plain reward us people that use auto payment each month.

16-Nov-2012 20:10:14

Jun Member 2005


Posts: 3,449 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look below my avatar, member since 2005
How about passing on the freebies to members who have had no break in membership ?
this game is going down the swanny river
When last was there an update for non-boss monster drops ?
Solomans and Sqweel is starting to become pathetic.
Oh yes and including, pay extra for bank spaces etc.... etc.....
no backdating of loyalty points, need i say more...
Fed up of this crap

16-Nov-2012 20:10:35

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