why are there so many bots at the blue dragons? do you guys not know how to fix it? i cant even dop my slayer task because theres atleast 8 bots in every world kill them. tired of this bs, prices of d bones have dropped a lot because of this too. every person thats wearing granite body and dragon platelegs there shuld be banned!!!!!!!!
same problems here i activated Jagex Account Guardian added my pc to accept list shut my pc down and it wont let me on and i cant remember just one off my questions please help or fix
if there is no way to reset Jagex Account Guardian lots off ppl will forget there questions and cant play that means jagex will lose cash and will be less mebers
' hey mike its N Z L O R D here , i really paid the internet cafe money to play rs and this jagex guardian came up and i really knew my questions but i tells me its not the right questions and i really want to play today like right NOW , PLEASE !!!!???
, i really wanted to disable Jagex Guardian because i always get to forget my recoverys and never get to write it down , can you please help me now im really kinda busting to play this game and not make a new account to play until tommorow
(( , can you email me , same email address plzzzzzz ???? , thank you very much
thank you
@pvm pearz, you need to go to the forum section called "Account Help", and post your problem on the thread dedicated to JAG Security Questions to get the help you need.
@ N Z L O R D, you need to go to the forum section called "Account Help", and post your problem on the thread dedicated to JAG Security Questions to get the help you need.
[ontopic] Thanks for this amazing new feature, I love it!
can you guys unban mx799? he didnt get banned for what you said he did and his vids have hundreds of thousands of views and those are all people who give you business. please look into it