It's official... there's no reason for this game to be a browser anymore... make it a downloadable so it will actually run and u can continue to add all this stuff.
It's official... there's no reason for this game to be a browser anymore... make it a downloadable so it will actually run and u can continue to add all this stuff.
It's a nice new feature - how it requires you to add trusted devises to your account, it's basically an upgraded version of the Recovery questions.
I've been reading through the thread abit, and I was a little surprised at how other people have noticed that we don't have the the option to write in our own questions, or giving us more options as questions. One player wrote something about how personalised questions would give better security because a player could pick any question they like, or having questions unique to them - and I agree with this.
I'd like to see the above implemented, if not, then having more options of questions in the drop down bar.
- Kels
Instead of JAG, why not just make the game require your bank pin as soon as you log in, and call it a "security code" much like working at a bank or government office? That seems like a much simpler security solution than this.. No wonder you morons haven't finished the bot nuke yet, you're too busy paying employees to develop worthless content like SOF, SGS, and JAG.
Oh, and all the new GWD gear sucks ass too, with the exception of the Armadyl Crossbow. And even then, if I didn't hate dung with a passion I'd still use a chaotic cbow over the Arma one. Jagex, I am disappoint.
It would help if you would be able to change your questions but, it has a weird pro and con about it. It is still a pretty good update to keep your account just that much more protected.
Thank you Jagex.
I can't play Runescape anymore because when im logging in, after 30sec, im getting logget out all the time, i don't know what im gonna do eather...i can almost do my squeal of fortune before im getting logget out. It comes upp in the corner like Lost Connection etc, sometimes i don't logget out, but mostly all the time when it comes upp, i getting logged out
I have tried everything, scan my computer, delete all Runescape files, using C cleaner, change my ********, Tried Rs client. What im gonna do to fix this damn problem? :L
I got this problem when the "JAG" did come...
Jagex, Please help me!
My device is Pc aKa Computer ^^