@ Zorkish Orc said:
Ravens Widow, it serves you right for real world trading. I only wish every rwt sgs product would be screwed harder.
I'm not RWTing. Get your facts straight before trying to say anything "serves me right".
I have the money to afford the spins, and guess what? I can buy 200 bucks more during double spin weekend and not even scratch my bank.
@ Everyone Else
Try suing or filling for a lawsuit, go ahead. I'd love to see you try. It's all talk, and there's nothing you have evidence to prove. Do you think the company wouldn't be prepared to have someone try to sue them? Over what? Something you have a CHOICE to buy? How's it gambling? You get something each time you play. The Squeal is a choice, you don't like it, don't play it. They give you free spins, they have spins you can win from quests, you can win from monsters and you can win from skilling. I could get 450 spins easy if I quested, mined and did slayer all day.
So it has micro transactions, big deal, all games do it. I play on another MMO that has been out for a long time, and guess what, it's still up, still running, and still an awesome game. All it's going to take is weeding out the babies and other keyboard warriors from the game and actually have some light shed on what's going on.
Too many people complain about Micro Transactions on SGS and SOF, and complain about EoC. Whine whine whine. Want cheese? You all hate change? Well, life changes, things always change, go back to the twilight zone if you can't handle reality.
Yea so your skills are cheapened, guess what, I spent a very long time getting to 92 mage, someone else got 99 mage from the SOF, do I care? No. Big whoop. They got the money to blow let them blow it.
Jagex is fighting bots and illegal RWTrs. They should be allowed to sell or do whatever they want with their game.
I'm on YouTube - Search me at
. Or don't. Up to you.
31-Aug-2012 04:45:12