
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

Mod Zach

Mod Zach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Not true at all... The newsposts is saying that we are doing the best for the game and that involves taking the steps we have. however, we have taken steps in the way that we have to ensure the integrity of the game.
Nice to see your thoughts. :)
Mod Zach "likes" this signature!

29-Aug-2012 18:21:20

Deacon Blues

Deacon Blues

Posts: 4,467 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nice spin, but you're lying to us and we know it. The Squeal already IS selling xp, just on a slightly randomized and thus not fully efficient basis. As long as buyable spins remain in the game, you are betraying the very values and integrity of RuneScape that you have the gall to boast about.
If you need the money that badly, fine, sell cosmetic items until the cows come home. But you ARE selling XP on the Squeal, and with the new "bank boosters" the Solomon Store IS selling an ingame advantage, another thing you promised would never happen.
While a lot of people (myself included) are looking forward to the new engine and new content, the core problem remains. You have violated the principles of the game, and you continue to do so. THIS is NOT the way to win back our trust.
Once you go NXT, you never go back.

Ceterum censeo Saradominem esse delendam.

29-Aug-2012 18:21:21

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 604 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If micro-transactions fund game content, I don't have a problem with them at all. Looking forward to the September BTS and hearing future announcements. Seems like some good game content is finally on it's way.

29-Aug-2012 18:21:48

Lead Wolf
Apr Member 2010

Lead Wolf

Posts: 6,105 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very nice message. Thank you for keeping us players informed! I'm curious about this, "Jagex Account Guardian." Sounds interesting... And, I have noticed a decrease in advertisement bots, so thank you. (*Kisses a dungeon floor*) I may skill in peace (hopefully even more soon ;) ).
Lead Wolf

... ''Rawr!''

29-Aug-2012 18:22:14

Rane Sedai

Rane Sedai

Posts: 13,780 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What a BUNCH OF LIES! I'm sorry guys, but you know and I know that you are indirectly selling experience and gold through the SoF. Plain and simple, players buy gold through the gambling wheel and get a random amount for how much they spend. And all you do is encourage them to "Buy Moar, Win BIG!!!"
You want to do what is best for Runescape? REMOVE THE SQUEAL OF FORTUNE! Plain and simple -- Solomon can stay, but remove that pathetic excuse of a piece of Runescape content.
These are my thoughts and there is no changing them. I read the article and all I saw was a bunch of clever wording to make it seem as though what you are doing is in the best intrest of the game when clearly, it is not. Listen to your playerbase, not the money figures. We'll tell you what this game needs because we play it on a daily basis. We see what's going on ingame 24/7.
Now that my frustration has subsided, I will address the rest of the post. I am glad and excited to hear that a bot nuke is coming and more security! Please don't make that security cost since that is something every player needs :) In that area, keep up the good work!

29-Aug-2012 18:22:34



Posts: 4,055 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My main concern with this article is that he doesn't address the lack of content we've had to deal with all year.
He even goes on the claim that the team size has doubled recently.
My big question is if the team has actually doubled why is there an improved rate of content coming our way.
In 2010-2011 you've maintained roughly 3-4 content updates a month. Shouldn't we be getting 2 updates week at this point?
He does say that there are some big things coming our way in coming months, but having one huge update, one minor update, and 8 SOF/SGS updates just doesn't cut it for me.
Just my 2 cents hopefully some mod can shed some light as to why such few content comes up anymore that I can actually sit down and enjoy without busting my wallet open for some cosmetics? Is it the EOC? When the EOC is released will we get back to having 3+ actual updates again?

29-Aug-2012 18:22:44

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