
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

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Sep Member 2023


Posts: 657 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"your post says seven years, your character was listed as April 2012?"
That means absolutely nothing in reference to how long anyone has been playing.
That number tells you only how long someones current membership has lasted, and dosnt account for any break in membership at all. I've been playing for eight years, but if I resuscribed now, it would say Aug 2012. I wont Resuscribe though. Not unless something is done about this nonsense.

30-Aug-2012 04:55:46

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ hoomer
Umm you know that the date under your name provides the month/year your kept your membership active right?
So since 06 you have never been non-member is all it says so before you post something please don't make a fool of yourself
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 04:55:51

Nabu Rimanni

Nabu Rimanni

Posts: 23,865 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's good to see such an enormous response to Mark's official statement.
I'll add my 2¢ although everything I say has probably been said above.
• First, an irrelevant point. Mark has his own account on the forums. I've seen his posts before. It shouldn't be necessary for Mod Michelle or anyone one else to post his official statements, and by posting them himself it makes his connection to the RuneScape community more intimate.
• I'm very glad to see Mark's acknowledgement that "micro-payments are often associated with their potential to undermine the integrity of games." That is true, especially when players pay for in-game benefits like xp and gp. The primary reason that buying gold from gold sellers on the internet is wrong is that players that buy it are cheating to get get ahead in the game. That's the same reason micro-payments for in-game benefits are wrong. (That is not a concern, however, when it comes to cosmetic items; buying/selling cosmetic items not affect game play.)
• I'm very glad to see the statement "I want to say, categorically, that we will not go down this road" of micropayments that affect game play. The statement that "we simply won’t do it" referring to "selling gold, XP or even accounts" is particularly important. I take it as a promise for the future well being of the game.
• Nonetheless, Jagex is already partway down that road. The program to buy-another-account-so-you-get-a-10%-xp-bonus should be terminated. Some other benefit should be substituted. Likewise, the in-game winnings from squeal-of-fortune should be modified so they do not affect game play.
• "This week, you should notice a significant reduction in gold farmer spam." Nice. I hope it works.

30-Aug-2012 04:55:55

Nabu Rimanni

Nabu Rimanni

Posts: 23,865 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

• The next point is the one I find most important in the entire statement. It's about BOTS. "Over the course of the next few weeks, we will [launch] our most comprehensive and formidable anti-bot update." I've heard this before, over and over all year. Month after month: it's around the corner, it's around the corner, it's around the corner. Let it be true for once. Please.
• "Players will also see a significant upgrade to their accounts' security, to protect against phishing and hijacking This is called Jagex Account Guardian." Excellent! I wasn't expecting that, but it will make such a difference to so many players.
• "We only want what is best for RuneScape in the long term." The proof is in the pudding. We'll believe you when we see it.

30-Aug-2012 04:56:04 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 04:56:28 by Nabu Rimanni

One Who Wins
Sep Member 2022

One Who Wins

Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ MrHatN clogs
I've been in-game since 2002, just got on the forums after I got it on my google chrome toolbar. Now what you said, I could constitute as flaming, but I won't.
What I based it on was everything I witnessed in-game over the past years.
Everyone has a right to their opinion.

30-Aug-2012 04:58:39 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2012 05:00:11 by One Who Wins

Elysian Kin

Elysian Kin

Posts: 1,168 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As a long term player since 2004 you owe me enough to at least hear me out and read what i have to say.
You're pathetic. In 2007, the removal of free trade, although unpopular WAS in the best interest of the game, and in the years that followed the game had a better feel to it, it was enjoyable. When free trade returned in 2010 i am one of few who had the good sense to vote no, and do you know why? Because i was there before trade limit, i saw the bots and i hated it, it was why i took a long break from the game. My heart sunk when free trade was brought back into the game, but i pushed on. Several times now since free trade has returned i have cancelled my membership due to boredom of playing, losing out to the mass of scammers hungry for pixels, and just general poor content updates.
You say you're team has doubled in size, but tell me Jagex, what are they actually doing? It seems the people you've employed have been split into two sections, SoF and SgS. Nothing to do with the game itself. IVP have bled other mmorpg's dry, look at maple story. This game was something in my childhood i was never ashamed of, it was fun, i played with friends and believe it or not i genuinely enjoyed it!
Now, you make it hard for me to log on. The community does too. It just isn't runescape anymore, it's a poor substitute, masquerading around as something fantastic when really, it's not even on it's last legs, it's on it's last few breaths.
you could still fix it Jagex, your community, the ones who play your games so avidly, are telling you how to do it, go on youtube and i'm sure some have made you a step by step guide, it really isn't hard, just listen.
But you wont listen, the runescape that started in a bedroom, a fun, quirky game that you could spend hours lost in has itself been lost. Now there is nothing special about this game, it's been drained.
Enjoy what revenue you can leech from the corpse Jagex, you have 1 year at most before your "players" are all Bots.

30-Aug-2012 05:00:21

Gold Akasha
Dec Member 2023

Gold Akasha

Posts: 12 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Come on everyone grow up. My kids and I have been Playing since 2002. Sof is keeping membership payments down. Stop acting like babys. Or do you want to pay $20 per mth like for WOW. Or maybe you want to have to buy a new **** for every update. (WOW) Grow up and live with it. With my family owning 12 members accounts I perfer low payments. AND ADMIT IT EVERYONE OF YOU THAT IS CRYING HAS BOUGHT SPINS AND RUNECOINS!!!!!!!!

30-Aug-2012 05:00:39

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