
MOD MMG on Micro-Payments

Quick find code: 294-295-69-63967798

MrHatN Clogs
Sep Member 2017

MrHatN Clogs

Posts: 607 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. HA doubled your work force? So in that time with all the account being stolen why with double your personal does it take a month to get any kind of replies back from you?
2. We all know IVP toke over and your sales droped and seemingly you say that Jagex has been making more money. Which we all know isn't the truth so please don't try to lie to us. We just automatically see you say we will not sell products to our players. After first bot nuke SoF and Solomon's pops up to cover for the loss in membership paying bots.
3. Congratz on the 200m accounts made simple fact that 150m of those accounts made are bot accounts for spamming and gold farming since your start 11 years ago.
4. We are players and we know what your going though? Last time i checked none of you play at all. There are i believe 2 or 3 mods that play everyday and talk to the fan base and they are against all your new "ideas" so please enlighten me how you guys know anything?
5. With the whole bot situation good luck with that. You have a snow balls chance in hell to out do your 40 person staff with hundreds of bot creators who have 10 times the qualifications and skills you have now. So please don't make me laugh.
6. Coming out with all these new small dumb updates while not fixing important issues. I log in everyday not being able to log in? And its been doing this for 3 months and you can't fix it what are you doing? Then the log and random black screens or white screens and unable to load the map. Come on don't kid yourselves.
7. New combat release 10% of runescape community likes the idea. 40% is unsure.
50% doesn't want the update. So please tell me how you are listening and reading our comments when the forums are filled with DOWN WITH BETA! So much for that.
Final thanks Jagex from Failing at your own game since 2006 the actual year Runescape died.
Not all change is for the better.

30-Aug-2012 04:30:24

Dec Member 2009


Posts: 283 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I must also point out, the failure to admit that Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's Store represent a fundamental shift in thinking from the old model of "microtransactions are bad". This new way of thinking may be more nuanced, more rational, more mature. I don't personally believe so. But I am not a game developer. Perhaps you are right that these things are good for the game. I fear not, but perhaps I am wrong. Nonetheless, by pretending that this is not a fundamental change, by pretending that the 200M accounts were not largely bots, by pretending that the mass of players have any real trust in Jagex any longer, you come off as out of touch or even delusional. You cannot pretend everything is great and fine. Only honest admission of the changes Jagex has undergone will regain anything like the trust of the players' community.

30-Aug-2012 04:30:56

Lucky Penny

Lucky Penny

Posts: 3,264 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I wish that everyone would stop being so negative towards Jagex and their efforts to make us loyal Runescape players happy... But I have come to realize that what people have been saying is true. Weren't Jagex themselves against micro-transactions a few years ago? What happened?
What Jagex says about the selling exp lamps and coins... They are wrong. As mentioned by countless players, the Squeal of Fortune is the thing that sells coins and exp. I also agree to many players that Jagex should nerf the Squeal of Fortune or take it out of the game completely, because it is completely unbalanced towards players actually willing to buy spins. Jokingly speaking, this also violates what the God of Balance, Guthix, wants. :3
~ A lonely penny, heads up, looked at the sky.
~ "Ooh! A penny! My lucky day!"
~ A lucky penny, sitting comfortably in a warm pocket.
~ A kiss. From penny to person, and from person to penny.

30-Aug-2012 04:31:21



Posts: 190 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the facts speak for themselves: The Big Chinchompa update was completely put in a shadow by the MT newsposts and is largely ignored by people, including yours truly considering I tend to pay extra attention to content updates.

30-Aug-2012 04:34:59

Bis Auf

Bis Auf

Posts: 319 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I read the entire article and it was just Jagex tooting their own horn. I thought it was going to be an article with some content. Waste of time reading that would have been better spent doing pretty much anything else.
BTW, I'm not a teen spouting off. I am one of the oldest players in the game.

30-Aug-2012 04:37:02

One Who Wins
Sep Member 2022

One Who Wins

Posts: 264 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow, just wow............. I sense some real anger building up here. I just don't get why we get mad at this stuff, I mean really:
1. Jagex isn't perfect, neither is any game.
2. They have to find a way to keep the game going, even if a lot of players don't agree.
3. If you think about it, for a team of 40 people, it can be very stressing and overwhelming to handle ALL the scenarios they are put in.
4. Runescape is still Runescape, after all, players make the game, the game doesn't make the players.
We will always have these problems with arguments, but the least we can do is state our opinion, and if we don't agree with the game, then why do we still play?
I honestly think Runescape will be around for the years to come, we just have to adapt.

30-Aug-2012 04:41:52

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