Hey Mod Sushi_Pi, thanks for wading through this for answers. I really hope the announcement is something good, rather than further, admittedly fairly annoying at this point, Microtransaction updates.
I really am starting to feel that the cosmetics need to go back to rewards from quests and events, and emotes the same way. I'm tired of, every Friday, logging on to see a new Microtransactions update. I'm ok with Solomon as long as his exclusives remain purely cosmetic (i.e. adding to loyalty is a-ok with me), but the SoF is getting tiring.
Anyway, hoping to see some good news soon, and hopefully find the game back on track, with any luck.
One last thing though. I've noticed a LOT of IVP rage in this thread, per usual, and I really can't stress enough - IVP has very little to do with these updates. These are all Jagex decisions, that were only suggestions by the investers. You guys really have to remember that. IVP may not care about the game in the same way the devs do, but they too want the players to be pleased, and Jagex *is* the ones designing all the new SoF and Solomon updates. So please, keep the IVP rage to a minimum, considering it's not really their fault. They're normal people in a company, who happened to invest in a game, and are providing further money for the development of the game, far beyond what the Microtransactions are providing. So yeah, please get yourselves informed before going off on a rage tangent, when you are quite behind on the facts.
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan
28-Aug-2012 23:08:59