Dear Jagex,
I have been a loyal member since 04. I have missed maybe 9 months of membership since then. I play often, enjoy this game often, and look forward to playing this game often.
The issue here I believe is split.
1. You have Veterans, those who have 100's of days played, who are the vocal majority of the feedback you receive
2. Then you have the Silent majority (speaking in terms of history ie:Vietnam) Where if it came down to a vote, a popular vote, would most likely overwhelmingly vote against SoF and Solomon's store.
3. Then you have the vocal minority, those are the ones who like the SoF and Solomon updates, and actively partake in the benefit thereof.
We as Veterans the vocal majority, and the silent majority, speak out of our love for the game. We do not welcome these update and we wish them to be gone. The problem we have is... we love this game so much that we are willing to put up with these updates, and not partake of them. The problem is:
-95% of updates are somehow involved with Sof or Solomon
-We have had no "good content" update since Runespan
-Very few quests all year
-No high level content to entertain/keep us busy
-The few who do buy Sof and Solomon items/rewards are fueling the fire that will ultimately make us Veterans and loyal customers grow tired and weary of Runescape.
I understand you need to make more money and that there is a pool of possible profit that you see the need to dip in and partake of.
But understand that though you can use your rhetoric and sly comments to prolong the SoF and Solomon, eventually all your member base will consist of new players, the SoF and Solomon lovers, and the rare ones who play ignoring your updates.
Learn from your loyal players and understand our frustration and hatred toward your current path. I say 8 more months of this direction and I'm done, for good.
Less SoF and Solomon and more MEANINGFUL updates that make me admire Jagex the company that usually understands its players.
28-Aug-2012 21:04:40