Bank space is not a direct ingame advantage as it doesnt give extra xp/gp/stat items. You do that in sof, but its a luck thing and we can have free spins everyday and randomly in another ways, wish makes it less wrong.... when you start doing the same in solomons as you do in squeel you'll be crossing the line.
I think ppl get angry cause they dont want to spend more cash in rs, but also don't like seeing ppl with stuff that they dont have and can't have without paying real cash. I personally don't mind, and im not planning on spending money with rs rather than membership, but i would be happy to know that the cash u guys make giving other members privileges for real money will be spent on making the game smoother, less laggy, bot free etc.... tbh honest releasing this real cash updates after releasing a graphic update that transformed everyone in alien dwarves makes ppl wonder what are jagex prioritys.
Also jagex, try to keep some of this game traditions, so this can still be runescape. Im a step from quiting due to eoc, but i think ill stay 1 month subscribed after its release to give it a try, but im almost without hope. And after eoc, you should transform claws (and some other items) in something like a rare, cause its going to hurt to see what was the first weapon of choice in pking since it release transformed in a useless 50k or less item.
I could say so much more about this, but i think the thing jagex rly needs to remember before they loose control it's: tradition.
09-Sep-2012 02:42:26