I understand the holding off the loyalty shop about the bank boosters, to get more people inclined to buying bank space of Solomon's General Store. (in total all the bank boosters cost about 40.00 US dollars, buying the 800 points offer and getting 100 free twice, 90 less points however) But why didn't you give everyone the choice of using loyalty point or money at the same time. Generally now if you were new to RuneScape but had enough money you can buy an excess of 250 unnecessary space. However if you had stacked up the loyalty points, thus been playing RuneScape for some time, you would be able to get the more bank space which you would obliviously want.
On a second note with the introduction of the JAG (JaGex Account Guardian) can't you also give us more bank space? As such back when we resisted our email and got more bank space as our accounts are more secure with JAG. It would be pretty god dam awesome if you gave us just one bank booster for that. And for those who already got the 5 boosters, well you had enough money to buy them in the first place why whine then. You are probably the ones who are saying that a business does these sort of things. Well i agree with that, but a business should also try to please the most of their costumers, a business should put the costumers first.
12-Sep-2012 06:02:46