Zach, zach, zach, jagex/IVP has been promising great content for a long time now. And guess what? It just doesn't happen. Trust you? LOL!!!!
For those of you who continue to pay in hopes that there WILL be great content coming, you just don't get it. The investment company runs the show now. Investment companies are in it for only one reason - to maximize profits FOR THE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Not to sink money back into the game. Just take a look at IVP's record.
Players are being fed a diet of pure spin (look up the meaning), and being promised pie in the sky (2nd bot nuke promised last March). There should be a Pinnochio chathead for jmods. Are you people really stupid enough to believe that things will change for the better?
Gonna hide this post because it has TRUTH in it?
A former paying member and 10 year vet
24-Aug-2012 20:37:09